Licorice has a long and honorable history in the service of mankind. The earliest usage of Licorice was back in the first syllables of recorded time. Licorice freaks throughout history have included Pharaohs and Prophets. Generous supplies were discovered in Emperor King Tut's tomb, while Egyptian hieroglyphics record the use of Licorice in a popular beverage by men in the days when the Bible was still being written! Alexander the Great, the Scythian armies, Roman Emperor Caesar, and even India's great prophet, Brahma, are on record endorsing the beneficial properties contained in Licorice. Warriors used it for its ability to quench thirst while on the march, while others (including Brahma and venerable Chinese Buddhist sages), recognized Licorice's valuable healing properties
Other Uses
Block Liquorice is employed in the manufacture of tobacco for smoking and chewing. According to the United States press, a new use for Liquorice Root has lately been discovered, the waste root being now utilized for the manufacture of boards for making boxes. After extraction of the Liquorice, the crushed root was formerly considered a waste product and destroyed by burning, but under a recently discovered process this refuse can now be made into a chemical wood pulp and pressed into a board that is said to have satisfactory resistant qualities and strength.
Extract of Liquorice in rolls has a black colour, is somewhat glossy and has a sharp and shining fracture. Some small cavities are found in the interior. The product of the different manufacturers of Stick Liquorice differ from one another not only in size, but often in the odour and taste; while some specimens are almost purely sweet, others are persistently acrid, rendering them unsuitable for medicinal purposes, for which they must be almost devoid of acridity.
Synonyms for the seeds:
Synonyms for the root:
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We are not offering this information with the intention of making any representation as to its suitability for any medicinal use. Information provided is not designed to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any illness, or injury and is provided for informational purposes only. Keep all products away from children. As with most products, they can be toxic if misused. © The contents, images, and code of this site are copyright 1998-2022 by Holdings. (with the exception of some specific executable code and footnoted quotes which maintains their own copyrights). All rights reserved. LicoriceFinder & LiquoriceFinder are trademarks of Holdings.