Bico's (dropkabels) are made out of sweet and soft black English licorice combined with red licorice laces. It's an old and efficacious kind of licorice made by Red Band®.
are a famous type of licorice from Venco®. Droptoefjes Liquorice is a soft, sweet licorice (zacht zoet)."
Katzen-Pfotchen (Cat Paws)
"Tangy, chewy Licorice Cat Katjes Katjes"
Kokindjes (Licorice Drops)
Kokindjes (licorice drops) are soft sweet licorice buttons from Holland.
Licorice Bear Paws -- Haribo Bären-Pranken
Soft little bear paw shaped licorice.
Licorice Smiles
Smiles are medium soft licorice with a little satly taste. European & Australian
Anise Bears
Anise Bears sanded with sugar these candies are soft and chewy.
Apricot Liquorice Logs
Classic Black Licorice
envelopes a delicate center of soft apricot candy. These 2 flavors are wonderful together. Here the licorice flavor dominates.
Black & White
"A selection of black & white licorice pieces, including licorice drops, nonpareil jellies and soft-panned licorice balls. A classic licorice bridge mix."
"Licorice Buttons & Coins, Muntdrops"
"They are about 3/4" of an inch round and rather plump (like the letter D on its side). They were moderately soft and chewy. The other type are may be referred to as Dutch licorice "coins". They are flatter and harder. The closest thing you will find to Heide flavor
Licorice Hats & Mexican Hats
"Soft, chewy and sweet, with a hint of salt to enhance flavor. Hats off to one of Holland's most popular Licorices."
Licorice Snaps
Licorice Snaps are a hollow candy, coated with pastel colors. Snaps are about 3/4's of
an inch lng and a little bigger around than a pencil. They are made out of black licorice and were a hollow tube of licorice. Each piece is coated with one color candy shell. The colors they have been made in are green, pink, orange, and white. They are not hard, but rather soft due to the due to the hollow. They are very different than licorice pastels. American Licorice has brought back the original Snaps!
RJ's Licorice
RJ's Licorice Soft eating Made with natural flavors
Soft Pillow'ish Licorice Candy
Not a hard licorice treat but a licorice candy that is softer. Please also see on this site